February 11, 2025
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Will be added closer to the conference
The events listed below will be offered as live competitions during the State Conference, in addition to all objective testing events.
Business Ethics
Business Presentation
Entrepreneurship Pitch Competition
Hospitality Management Case Competition
Job Interview
Marketing, Sales, and Communication Case Competition
Public Speaking
Any event not offered at the state-level will be available for competitors at the National Leadership Conference. More information can be found in the SLC Call to Conference.
2025 SLC Deadlines
January 15th: National FBLA Membership Deadline and Membership Payment Deadline
Note: Collegiate FBLA members can join as individuals using Collegiate Direct. If you are a Collegiate Direct member, you must contact for help registering to attend SLC.
January 16th: SLC Registration Deadline
January 20th - 31st: Online Testing Window
Advisers will be able to download testing tickets from the registration site after registration closes
January 22: Optional hotel reservation deadline
January 31st: Prejudge submission deadline for events with a prejudge component
​February 1st: State Officer Candidate Application
February 5th: Payment received deadline
​​March 7th: Notification of NLC Intent
Collegiate NLC will be held in Dallas, TX from May 31st - June 2nd
Post-Conference Information
March 7th: Deadline for NLC Intent
April 22nd: Deadline to Register for NLC
May 31st - June 2nd: National Leadership Conference